Archive for the ‘family’ Category

what do you make of names?

January 12, 2010

You know how when you’re close to some people, you have endearing (or otherwise) nicknames for each other? Or even if you know some people by nicknames and you never ever refer to them by their real names?

Wouldn’t it be really weird if you were to stop interacting with these people, only to have a chance meeting say 10 years down. Maybe at that time, it’ll be more comfortable to use their real names. But I doubt so. I can’t bring myself to call guapop anything, because I’ve never actually called him out loud. Same goes with a few of my other friends. It’s bad that most of my interaction with them is online, which makes it easier for us to talk freely, yet it somehow also creates this distance between us when we meet.

While we were in Finland, my mom asked me about this album titled ‘Retard, and me!’ and she asked why I wasn’t afraid to leave it there. She thought retard was an offensive term. Haha. My siblings and I had a good laugh over that.

I like it when people call me by my chinese name, and I really dislike it when people who barely know me address me as “mich”. Hahaha, pet peeve.

It doesn’t feel as if school has started, I’m still not in the mood to do anything 😦

this year, 2010.

January 11, 2010

Isn’t it such an honor turning 21 in the 21st Century?

Ha. Today’s the eleventh day of the year 2010. Never saw this year coming – in the sense that I’ve never imagined how I’d be like this year. After our Primary and Secondary school days, nobody really cares about the numerical digits of the years anymore. It’s not as if we have to fill in the dates on the top right hand corners of all our worksheets, along with our full names and register numbers. But I still do that, if nothing but for nostalgia. Instead, our years are characterized more by what year of our university education we’re in (currently), how much time (in years) we have left before we have to achieve something. And eventually I don’t suppose we’ll care about what year it is anymore, when we become full-fledged workers facing the walls and our computer screens from sunrise to sunset every single day.

This year isn’t very significant for me, other than the fact that I adore the number (it being a multiple of 5, even number, looking really pretty with a pattern and all). I’m turning 21 in less than 4 months. I’ll find out how much people currently in my life love me, if at all. I might get a sense of my determination back, seeing how a sprinkling of it is back already. I swear I won’t live to regret this year the same way I’m regretting how I’d spent the past year.

I tell a friend “give it up” all the time. Put me in his shoes and I can’t see how I wouldn’t act the same way that he is acting now. But when our actions reek of desperation, where we claw at anything just to hold on to the little hope we have, maybe it’s time to give up. And spouting words of wisdom is always easier than acting on them.

I wonder if life is a game, and if all of us are just tokens played by someone out there. But what would be the purpose of this game? I reckon it might be similar to Monopoly in the quantifiable aspects, but a revolutionizing game in the intangible aspects. I’ve always believed that our lives are predetermined, and that we all end up on the paths drawn for us. And even if we fight, it was part of our destiny.

“Predetermined”, “destiny”, “paths”, are loose words I employ boldly, with absolutely no knowledge of how the wiser ones have defined them to be. I don’t know any arguments and I don’t want to know, not now anyway.

What does it mean to want something, what does it mean to like someone, what does it mean to lose all you have? Do these first require you to define the things you have, the people you love, and your right to possess anything?

Maybe the love we allow ourselves to accept is the love we think we deserve. And the love we give is the love we think they deserve. What if we just give people the love we want to have, and expect little in return. Because then, we’ll be thankful for any love above what we expected, and if we do receive less than what we had expected, maybe we shouldn’t be looking for love in that direction.

Last night, I woke up from a nightmare, where I was having a terrible nightmare. It was a dream in a dream, and when I woke up feeling so relieved in the dream, the first thing I reached out for was my handphone. In the dream, I saw no new texts on my phone, and I was indescribably disappointed. Then I suppose that overwhelming emotion woke me up truly. And I reached out for my handphone (for real this time), and found no replies.

It was surreal, as if telling me that what I fear is true.

I no longer make wishes when it’s 11:11. Sometimes because I don’t feel the need to, but mostly because I’m not looking for 11:11 anymore. 11:11 hardly appears to me these days.

Some pictures, because I’ve been out and about. Hardly. Chinese New Year is coming, and CNY last year marked the beginning of something new. I wonder what the new lunar new year has in store for me?

Guess where we went? (:

Guess where we went? (:

My baby's artwork. hahaha :p

My baby's artwork. hahaha :p

(: similar pose

(: similar pose

how cute is this?

how cute is this?

people playing soccer

people playing soccer

i like this

i like this

non-parallel mirrors (:

non-parallel mirrors (:

I’m going to bake chocolate lava cake this weekend!

pre-Finland :p

December 23, 2009

For some odd reason, my trusty old desktop (6 years old) has died on me. restarting every 2 minutes and it isn’t funny at all. Hence I’m on my sister’s laptop (while she sleeps peacefully) attempting to blog.

My sister had a sleepover last night and it made me realise how old I am. (And how young they are. M18 movies are still not legal?!!? ahaha) But they’re really fun and nice people so I didn’t regret joining them at all. And they shouldn’t be mad at me for joining cos I was their free photographer + movies provider. And of course the voice of wisdom.

I’m kidding.

These pre-Finland hahaha days have been pretty packed and I’ve been really occupied. Which is good. But I have had no time to resize and edit pictures ):

Oh well, just the other day a random thought popped into my head: Does alternating between loving and hating someone prove a sure sign of insanity? (or at least partial insanity?) It feels kind of like an alternating current, and I’m afraid I might end up a neutral being, with no inclination towards either side. But I figured that it’s probably the case where I do love them, but that their actions are hurting me.

I watched Avatar and Mulan in the past week and Avatar was pretty damn amazing. I love Neytiri, and the actress who played that character is gorgeous. The behind-the-scenes show on Avatar that I saw was really awesome, and I wish I had the talent to participate in something epic like this. ): Mulan was pretty mulan-ish. -_-” epic-ly lame. But oh well.

I want to play bridge. Or taiti. Any card game omg. Anyone?? (No poker please ): I don’t condone gambling)

On a totally random note, our tour “leader” for the trip was the same one we had for our trip last year. Uhoh.

The most epic line ever was after we failed to see the Statue of Liberty properly. Because the day we went was possibly the foggiest day of that week.

And she said “give me your email addresses.. I’ll email you pictures of the Statue of Liberty. So sorry you couldn’t see it today.”

And she meant it.


December 19, 2009

Probably the best day of my holidays so far. (: Reminded me of the good old days when we were a functioning unit.

I’m back at Countryside, and it feels so odd. Not the same odd that I felt when I got back from Switzerland; today’s was more comforting. I love this place, I love this room, I love the memories that I have of here and from here.

Won’t be here for awhile again, but this will make me treasure being home more. I love the feeling of finding something you love back again. Maybe it’s cos’ we take too many things for granted..

Can’t explain my feelings right now, but I don’t want to sleep. When the morning comes it’ll be a new day. And the new day will probably not be as good as today.

I found so many pictures on this old desktop of mine, and they really brought me back to 3 years back. Can’t imagine how my life has changed so much within just 3 years.

France 2006

Dubai 2006


07S06H gathering

twock (:


menu menu


18 chefs?


not interested

still not. :(


I’m actually looking forward to our Finland trip. (:




December 18, 2009















reminiscing :p

December 17, 2009

I’ve a new recipe for happiness (: A hearty bowl of yoghurt, berries, muesli and Oreo bits! My breakfast (almost) every morning. (If morning starts past 12..)

I love lazy mornings and grey skies!

And an sms in the morning to tell me that my Monday 830 class is cancelled!

Cantonese is really my favourite language I think, even though it’s supposedly a “dialect” and not a language. Whatever.

Theme of my day today is reminisce.

Hong Kong in 2004


Jacks Place 2005. Snowball ❤


YFC 2005!



And some parade in 2008? I think. I’ll update laterz.


如果只准许记低某几段 谁要再记住曾经怎中箭?
如唇边亲匿的记忆 仍然温暖 时时舔舔唇 当他美点。。

回忆中精选你可爱那一面 烦恼与缺陷其它一概不算。
想当初牵手的瞬间 仍然心软 来年忘了你以前

情话仍是甜 离别仍没有见
分手的心酸 怎么当经典
明日回味时 调味谁又要添加抱怨

情歌中精选最优美那一段 烦恼与缺憾其它一概不算
想当初牵手的瞬间 随时心又软
明明和你爱完 记忆也新鲜

只想从前的温馨 不数从前的罪证
怨怼过盛 忿忿不平 怕有日从此哭盲眼睛
珍惜平和的心境 即使为人特别感性
你也无需爱出抑郁症 情感只求尽兴

回声终于都会消散安静 情话却永远也 心领

Cantonese reminds me of 2 people I used to love. (:

i like to say but not to tell

December 17, 2009

Pretty great day today :p because it started off with me discovering a new site to play flash games that are actually fun! Please go check it out here~ And add me ! Haha :p

Then my mommy came home with my parcel of love from my love. ❤

I tore it (the box) excitedly while my mommy watched (drenched in jealousy). :p

Then many people heard about how happy I was but I got replies like “aww” <- sarcastically, “…”, “/rolleyes”, “uh. -_-“, “hahahaha.” etc. My boyfriend is a celebrity but he doesn’t know it. Hahaha.

Anyway, today was also pretty awesome since I met up with dear han (and caught ninja assassin which was pretty gory) and I got to spend more time with my mommy~ (eyelash extensions. ~.~)

I’ve successfully converted a (really stubborn) friend (seriously, stubborn like an ox) to online shopping. After our almost one entire disastrous day of (failed) shopping sometime last week I believe. I deserve a pat on the back! Please don’t ask me to go shop (or go out in the sun T_T) Anything indoors or between 6pm – 11pm is fine. I’m turning into a really homely person. Actually, roomly would be more accurate.

Oh well, I’m so happy today. 🙂

Only one picture today since I’m really sleeeeepy. It’s 3am already 😦 I love nights so much haha.

photobooth with mommy

Haha my mom saw me making faces so she did too. :p

Shall blog more tomorrow if I’ve time. I’m working on a sekret project.

i miss..

December 11, 2009

The silence now  is so deafening,

and music does little to soothe the pain.

Most nights I sit here,

holding in all that’s on my mind.

Won’t you see my pain and scars?

Emotional baggage always causes fear,

so they stay away; with the customary “are you fine”?

Especially when they see my scars.

Sometimes they wonder why I’m like this,

but mostly, they know. I think.

Would you please spare me some of your love fix,

so I can soothe the pain within?

I’m withering inside,

but it never shows on the outside.

Does it?

Why is it this hard?





if today was your last day.

November 30, 2009

This is truly a year of firsts.

Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to and no matter how hard you try, there’s nothing we can do to change them for the better.

If today was my last day, I’d have lived it with regrets.

Being lied to isn’t a great feeling. But what is worse is when you know you’re being lied to, yet the liar refuses to admit, and goes a step further in pushing the blame onto you.

Maybe what I need now is faith, or something to believe in.

I’m living life like a shell. I’m completely empty, and I have no wish to be filled. I’m living life like this, the way you see me. I’m clinging onto senseless things, with absolutely no reason to. Just because I feel the need to.

I’m dragging people down with me, and this isn’t right. Am I supposed to get myself out of this, or will someone pull me out of it? If it is the former, I think I’ll be fine being the way I am now. I don’t know what I can do for people who’re implicated; maybe they could tell me.

I used to promise myself never to live each day with regrets.  That’s why I don’t do things I don’t enjoy, that’s why my life is not full of school work. Because if the world were to end today, or if it is that my life were to end suddenly, I wouldn’t have regretted working on these things which I never wanted to. People work hard to reap rewards later, but somehow, there should be a trade-off between current satisfaction and future rewards. I’m sacrificing too much of future rewards, just as many people out there are sacrificing current satisfaction. But to each his own, I guess.

Now I don’t enjoy anything, I have nothing to look forward to. But that doesn’t mean I’m living each day pitifully. I’m fine the way I am, life’s enjoyable without wanting to enjoy anything in particular.

I’m just losing sight of my future.

What future?

There are times when we seek, and we find. But most times, we don’t seek, and we discover things along the way.

I’ve discovered that I’ve changed completely, that I have no humanity in me. But I’m not barbaric, I’ve just lost my way, and there seems to be no light to guide me back.

I am but a shell now. Will someone please fill me up, again?

dance with my father

November 15, 2009

Here’s a song I’d like to dedicate to all the daughters and sons who miss their fathers.

Back when I was a child

Before life removed all the innocence

My father would lift me high

And dance with my mother and me and then

Spin me around till I fell asleep

Then up the stairs he would carry me

And I knew for sure

I was loved

If I could get another chance

Another walk, another dance with him

I’d play a song that would never, ever end

How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

When I and my mother would disagree

To get my way I would run from her to him

He’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah

Then finally make me do just what my mama said

Later that night when I was asleep

He left a dollar under my sheet

Never dreamed that he

Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance

One final step, one final dance with him

I’d play a song that would never, ever end

Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

Sometimes I’d listen outside her door

And I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him

I pray for her even more than me

I pray for her even more than me

I know I’m prayin for much too much

But could You send back the only man she loved

I know You don’t do it usually

But Lord, she’s dying to dance with my father again

Every night I fall asleep

And this is all I ever dream