I'm sad

It’s a surreal feeling to have people around you, knowing their hearts are not with you. It’s true, especially when you can feel it.

And the hurt is piercing.

It’s a sad feeling when you know people you love are keeping things from you. I used to wonder why people resorted to doing some hurtful things that they did, maybe now I understand. Just a little. The hurtful things they do can’t mask the hurt they feel inside, though.

And the hurt still continues.

It’s pitiful to hang onto someone, when you don’t have their heart anymore. But what can we do? Give up? No, we wouldn’t. Maybe, we still love the person. But maybe, there is no point in holding on, cos you’ve lost their heart already. That’s kind of selfish; to grab tightly onto someone, knowing they’ll be happier without you, or with someone else.

Does it hurt more if your loved ones left you because love was gone, or does it hurt more if your loved ones left you because of someone else?

Or maybe, there wasn’t love at all to start with.

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