
Yucks. It’s supposed to have an optimistic connotation right? But sometimes when things you hope for don’t come true, there’s just this indescribable sense of crushing defeat. And it hurts. The definition of hope states that it’s a wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment, or something that is hoped for or desired. Hope as a noun, of course.

Like, when we go into examination halls, we hope for the best. We wish each other “good luck” and we just cross our fingers and hope for the best. If we’re lucky, all’s well. Otherwise, we’ll just come out crushed, or disappointed. Well, that depends on how hard you were hoping. But seriously, if you didn’t bother trying, do you have the right to hope? I mean, isn’t it pointless hoping that you did well, if you didn’t make an effort. After all, when you hope, you should at least have some confidence that it might come true. And not leave it all in the hands of “luck” and hope that you get lucky and the stuff’s easy.

Or take for instance, interpersonal relationships. You do something terrible that incurred the wrath of someone, and you hope the person doesn’t get angry, or fall out with you over it. Yeah, some people do apologise, or do something and try to make up for the misdeed. I suppose they then, have the right to hope.

Then there’re people who hope to strike it rich / get lucky, so they can live the rest of their lives comfortably. Slack, play, sleep. No work, no stress. Oh well, carry on hoping. If you do make it, please drop me a message. I’d like to see how ridiculous this world is. Why do some people who don’t deserve things, get so much, and others who do, get nothing?

Senseless hope is futile. Seriously, don’t go around hoping for something that you don’t deserve, simply because you didn’t work for it, or that you didn’t even bother. People, who try, at least even slightly, deserve it much more than you. If you get whatever you hoped for, don’t be too gleeful. Karma. (:

I thought our school motto was rather retarded. Hope for a better age. We aspire to be the hope for a better age? Okay, ask around who hopes this for the schoolcountry. Gee, c********** lol I’m not against them (okay maybe I am) but no, seriously. Nobody gives such perfect statements. Such ambitious statements. Okay, I’ll give – it’s just an ideal that we can work towards. Aim for the stars, because then you may land on the moon. Lol, would you be happy if you wanted something, and got something else instead. Something that’s part of the process but not the product. I wouldn’t. I wish for a world, where everyone contributes to the society, and no one leeches off like a… well, useless leech. Hope hope hope, how can you hope for a better age if only a small percentage of people strive hard. But I wouldn’t be happy, if I got a society where some people work hard, and some others just leech off. That sucks.

Actually, I’m all against structure. I think I’ve written about that before. Structure is so senseless, makes everything rigid, monotonous, and the same. In the end, everything produced is according to that mould, that structure, that exact same format. Everyone might just as well be machines. Because then, machines don’t rebel (well, assuming they don’t develop a cognitive mind that helps them acquire the notion of rebellion), and machines all give the same perfect answer.

Then again, we’re all encouraged to break out of the mould. Interestingly, the way this is being assessed is through rubrics. On how different your ideas are. It’s not so much an acknowledgement, but rather, a judgment. Who gives anyone the right to decide whether someone is creative or not? Say, I thought of this idea, and independently, someone else thinks of the same idea. But to simplify stuff, assume only 2 of us thought of this creative novel idea. Yet, when that someone else proposes the idea to me, I wouldn’t find it all that creative because I’ve already thought of it. But yeah, if I’m a self-confident freak, I’d probably think wow how creative both of us are. Or in another scenario, we have this idea that we think is totally fabulous, this new way of painting. But it doesn’t appeal to anyone else. And people just think it’s plain stupidity. Nobody acknowledges that it’s creativity. Oh well, too bad.

First, they build this whole society of similar-minded people, with stuff like character development, moral education etc. [Granted, the moral code has to be universal. How can everyone subscribe to different moral codes? Chaos! (I love that word it’s so cute)] But then, now we have to keep these structures in mind, while try not to be as similar as we can. So basically we have to be different while keeping in mind that we still have to be the same, somehow. This hope is ridiculous. Guidelines shouldn’t be followed like hard-forced rules.

But then again, I’m not all against structures. See, reading Hobbes, blahblah(ok whatever I don’t know if it’s Hobbes I can’t remember.) during GP, I agreed with the fact belief that people were born to do certain stuff. Like, born into castes and stuff. But that doesn’t mean that if you’re supposed to be stupid, you’ll stay stupid forever. Think Charlie! He tried hard, but he still didn’t make it. It’s not cos’ he’s meant to be stupid, but the story’s supposed to teach some sort of moral I think. Like don’t temper with what you were given. Haha! Kidding. Ignore that, it’s not a relevant example. I just realized that Charlie is also this immensely intelligent Mathematician from Numb3rs. Ahh. Oh well, I just mean to say that I think people born with different abilities, and they can do their best to overcome it if they don’t like what they’re given, but if they don’t work for it, don’t bother hoping. Just like the Game of Life, right at the start, we are all assigned with an occupation, and corresponding pays. (I say assigned because we don’t really have a choice, but nobody in particular chooses them for us though) Sure, some are given opportunities to change jobs, and they do so happily, if they aren’t happy with their initial lot. But a simplified game of “Life” can’t exactly mirror reality. I think, some people are given the opportunity to change their “lots”. But not all. I suppose it’s easy for me to say that if they try, they might make it. Because it simply isn’t as easy as that. But bottomline is, don’t hope for something else if you don’t put in effort to change what you have. A stupid person can whine about how stupid he is, or try hard to change it. Well, for those who are stupid but think they’re smart, good for them. Contentment is the best gift a man can have. Then, they won’t hope for more.

Oh well, but hope serves as an encouragement. To keep people going, especially during hard times. But if you think about it, they’ll only feel encouraged if they worked towards something, and this hope keeps them going. If they just sit there and wait, hoping for something, they rot fast. Hehe. I don’t know. I’m tired.


Aha, see, you have to set goals. Haha. Oh well.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day to all those who are sad.



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